Part 107: 01/11/10 - 01/14/10
Like we got told before by Junpei, today's a day off. Which, well, means that we've got absolutely nothing to do today!
Living With Determination -Iwatodai Dorm-
Most relevant thing today is this group of four up on the second floor.
It rhymes, so it must be true!

Everyone is talking about how the world is going to end, as if it's a fact.

Man, why are people so weak?

Not everyone can be like us...

Unlike robots, human are all unique.

Some people never give up, while others submit immediately.

Myself, I would never believe in it.

When I think of my friendship with Natsuki-chan, I have no need to join the cult.

The bond of friendship...

It sounds like a fairy tale, but I believe it is what all humans seek.

I agree, the most important thing is the connection two people share.

That's right... No one can survive alone.

I wonder how many people truly believe in it.

It seems much of the public is openly saying that the end of the world is coming.

Yeah, even people I know.

Most of them got interested through friends.

I heard some people talking the other day, too.

They were saying that every day is so boring, the end of the world wouldn't be so bad...

In other words, this cult is kind of like shopping...

It helps people fill the emptiness they feel inside.

Here we are bustin' our asses, and they go and pull this crap.

You can't just blame the cult.

The cult exists only because there are people willing to believe in it.

I guess that's true...

Well, we have to do something...
Only one last thing to do today and see what's on TV...
Newscaster: However, due to Apathy Syndrome, many of the parties had to be cancelled.
Not much of substance, though. Appropriate for this day in particular, really.

Just gonna go and pick this up while I remember, though. It'll probably be nice for Akihiko if he gets a chance to use it.

Now, we'll just skip ahead from here to a more relevant day.
Memories of the School
Gossiping Student: Lately, even the late-night comedy shows have been talking about the end of the world... It feels creepy.
Listening Student: Are you still talking about that? By the way... I wanted to show you this magazine that hit the stands today.
Gossiping Student: Magazine...? Don't tell me it's about cults.
Listening Student: Well, just read it for yourself. You'll see how true it really is.
> The first bell has rung.
So, uh, there are still lessons and stuff in January but there's less than no reason to care about 'em at this point. Unless they're particularly interesting, or worthwhile, I think we'll just skip past these.

It's been a long while since we last spent any time with Keisuke. I was a bit worried that we might've accidentally triggered the second-worst mechanic from this but thankfully we dodged that bullet.
See, the 60 day time limit for girls you're """dating""" isn't the only time limit. Every link has a 90 day time limit before it reverses, though mercifully there's nothing that cuts time out of that one so you likely won't know it exists.
Why yes, that was also removed from future games and also Portable. It's a terrible, shite idea and I'm glad it never really comes up.
> During the middle of a club activity, you decided to leave school with Keisuke.

I just don't know what I want to do...

I mean, do I want to become a doctor... or do I want to participate in Photography Club...?

All I know is that I'm not going to school or back home until I figure it out...

I'll just find somewhere else to go until then...

...I'm glad I had a chance to talk to you before I left.

Tell the other club members I said goodbye!

Hold on.

Sorry, my mind's made up...

Take care of yourself!

What's wrong with her?

Well, she's having trouble breathing, and she's running a fever...
> Keisuke seems concerned.

I may be jumping to conclusions here, but...
> Keisuke is looking through the old woman's purse.

I think she suffers from chronic bronchitis...
Keisuke really is just if WebMD was a person.

So if she caught a cold, it may have exasperated the symptoms...

Call an ambulance, Makoto-kun! Hurry!
One quick fade to blue later...

It's up to the paramedics now...

W-Well, I should get going...

My train's about to leave... Wh-What should I do...?

I'll handle this.

O-Okay, Makoto-kun...!

I'm gonig to go ask the station attendant to call an ambulance...

You stay here and perform first aid on him.
There's a couple of choices of "things to do" here for First Aid that are all just pointless crap and it adds nothing. Skipping past that faffing around.

...I think he's having a cardiac arrest!

Make him sit up...

O-Oh no! He's not breathing! And his fingernails are...

...I-I have to do something, or this man will die...

Can you give me a hand, Makoto-kun?

Turn him so that he's facing upward... gently now...

Now, if I perform CPR while giving him a cardiac massage...
> The old man was placed in an ambulance and taken to the hospital.

Thanks for your help, Makoto-kun...

I couldn't have done it without you.

Can you believe it? We save their lives!
> Keisuke has expressed his gratitude to you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

Well, I decided that I'm going to go back home.

I know what I want to do now... Guess I should apologize to my dad, huh?

Alright then, Makoto-kun, I'll see you at school!
> After saying goodbye to Keisuke, you decided to go back to the dorm.
As if it's making up for yesterday being a complete deadspot, we even get a real scene today.

We're all going to Hagakure. Wanna come?


Wow, that was easy.
Regrettably, yes.

Oh, you probably forgot all about it by now.

Well, you won in the end... even if it was Aigis.

But whatever, Akihiko-san still lost, right? It took me like six months to make him accept that fact...

So c'mon, everyone else already left. We gotta hurry!

Sounds good to me.

Okay, five specials, please!

Man, this is awesome!

Akihiko-san's NEVER treated us all to ramen before.

Hey, why do I have to treat everyone?

Tch, not this again...

Come on, Akihiko-san, a bet's a bet. Pay up!

Alright, alright! I never said I wouldn't.

"Emergence of a Messiah: The Charismatic One Speaks"

It must be about that doomsday cult. They're all over the Internet, too.

Wh-What the...!?

There's a picture of their leader...
Fearful Experience
boy, this sure hasn't turned up in such a long time
And so now we know for sure that Takaya really is a Cowboy Jesus. Plus this sure is a way to try and tie everything together, that was even vaguely hinted at back when Chidori died and all.

...I thought something was up. So, Strega's behind that cult...

Tch, I've lost my appetite.

Listen to what he says...

"But soon, a savior will descend upon this world to break the chains that bind us, and lift us to new heights."

"In Nyx there is no pain... no suffering..."

How the hell does he know about Nyx!?

Wait, he's saying that Nyx will save the world!? That's not true!

That son of a bitch...

"But, there are those who do not understand this truth, even though they have also been blessed by her."

"They have acquired the same power as I; yet they abuse it, using it for their own personal gain."

Wait, is he talking about us!?

Shhh! Not so loud!

Oh, sorry. Hey, what's up with them calling him the "charismatic one"?

How'd he get so popular all of a sudden!?
This is maybe one of the least surprising things about Strega, really.

He's probably pretty good at stirring up trouble.

Yeah, I bet he orchestrated Takaya's rise to fame...

Ugh, those two make me sick...

"Brothers and sisters, I shall go forth to make preparations for Nyx's arrival..."

"But, do not fear those evildoers who desecrate their gifts. Nyx shall right their wrongs."

"Blessed are those who take joy in the coming of Nyx."

"The revolution is here!"

"Revolution"!? People can't seriously be buying this crap, can they?

"Throughout history, those who have changed the future have often been highly charismatic..."

It appears that after the interview, Jin and Takaya disappeared again.

Well, there's only one place they could've gone--Tartarus.

They must've been planning this all along.

Takaya's words have changed the mood of the entire city.

Even though they won't admit it, they are all afraid...


I mean, why else would people believe this nonsense Takaya's preaching?

Well, no wonder there's a sense of doom in the air... We're all gonna die.

But, is that so surprising?

The fact that all life ends one day has nothing to do with Nyx.

Death is a natural occurrence in the cycle of life. Don't all humans realize this?

I guess...

But since we've made up our minds, why don't we just leave it at that?

Our objective is Nyx. If Strega gets in our way, we'll just have to deal with them too.

I agree.

However you look at it, we're the obstacle standing in their way.

The promised day will soon be here...


We need to do all we can until then.

Yeah, and we're gonna need lots of energy! So let's eat!

Excuse me! I'd like to order a Hagakure Bowl!

You don't mind, do you, Akihiko-san?

Oh, don't worry. I'm starving.

...You just better eat it all.
Living With Determination -Iwatodai Dorm-
As you would no doubt expect, everyone has something new to say today.

He's very popular, and has a lot of support from his followers. He's a very charismatic figure.

I can't believe he's the same Jin as the one from Strega...

They're acting careless... Do they think that they can just write whatever they want as long as it helps sell magazines?

That's capitalism.

That's true... but it still doesn't make it right.

But, I'm a little disappointed in the media for being so easily controlled by them.

Do you think the media were paid off by Strega to promote them?

...Actually, that would be even more disappointing...
It would also be completely believable and thoroughly mundane.

Then, would Strega be considered to be in the remaining 5%? The answer is no.

They don't have charisma. They're just agitators who are stirring up unreast in society.
That... that is a charismatic act.

Blaming us for everything that's goin' on...

That really pisses me off!

So, if people have enough confidence, Strega probably can't influence them.

So then, we should just ignore their preaching, right?

I'd listen to them.

Wow, you're really happy-go-lucky. Even in a situation like this, you can still crack a joke.

Would you?

Nah, I wouldn't either.

I assert my individuality through boxing, so there's no room for the cult to come into my life.

You seem to have an activity that you assert your individuality through, too.
Weather Man: Those of you with entrance exams won't have to worry about getting snowed in! Now, back to the studio!
Newscaster: Now back to Hyper-Action News, where we give you all the day's news and more besides!
I do appreciate that the TV isn't also talking about Strega here. It'd be an easy thing to do, but it's really good that it's not the case.

Anyway, Wednesday's a simple day all told.
Memories of the School
Gonna be spending it with Aigis, because we can do that now.

In an unusual move, Memories of the School keeps playing in this scene.

The Moonlight Bridge is to the right, and over there is Paulownia Mall.

Oh, and did you know you can also see our dorm from here?

The ocean waters at Yakushima, where I had been sleeping, were clearer than these...


Before I came here, things such as liking or disliking the scenery never entered my mind...

What about you, Makoto-san? Do you... like this town?

I like it.

I'm glad to hear that!


Feeling the same way, as we view the same scenery...

...It feels nice.

Many feelings towards various things I had not recognized before are making themselves clear now...

It's a little scary sometimes...


But if I can change by being with you...

I want to hold onto this feeling.
> You sense faint affection from Aigis...

It's still January, so I imagine that you are quite cold.

It would be awful if you caught a chill.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
You can pretty clearly tell where this should
be going already, provided it doesn't follow the trend of diverting into something wholly unrelated later. Since it was written after everything else, it should be better but... we'll see.
Living With Determination -Iwatodai Dorm-

Since today is the 13th, we only have 18 more days.

Let's go to Tartarus today.

Even though I might be overdoing it, I still want to do as much as I can right now...
Eh, we're not gonna be going to Tartarus for a few days now. We've been twice already this week.
Newscaster: The uproar stems from an article about a cult leader known as Charisma. According to the teachings of Nyxism, there is a power that eliminates worries of the future. Belief in this ability is causing many young students to sign up for the cult...
Only the TV has anything new to see today, though, and it's talking about Takaya. Welp, guess it was inevitable and all but maybe this should've been before we learned it was a Strega scheme.

I dunno, I just think that would've been a bit more interesting.
Memories of the School
Gossiping Student: It's the same one that's plastered all over the city.
Listening Student: The one with the NYX logo?
Gossiping Student: Oh, so that's how it's pronouned... I just like the logo's design. The stuff written here is kinda interesting, too. Maybe I should ask them about it next time...
> The first bell has rung.
Today's the best day to just... see if maybe, just maybe, we can finally finish Keisuke's link.

I want to let you all know that I've decided to quit the club. Please choose a junior as your next leader.

Wh-Why? This is all so sudden...

Then... Then you're...

I'm going to med school to become a doctor!

Did your dad tell you you had to quit because you have to take over the hospital?

...My dad doesn't have anything to do with this. I made the decision on my own.

But since I'm beginning my studies so late, I'll have to pull all-nighters to make up for the time I've lost.

I really enjoyed being your club leader. Thanks for all your hard work.

He's definitely change. It's like, he's someone you can depend on now.

H-Hey, what's up with all the compliments?

Right, Makoto-kun...?
> Keisuke gave you a sly wink.
One quick fade to blue later...

I wanted you to have this.

I received it for being awarded honorable mention.

...Which made me realize that I still have a lot to learn.

Studying for the med school entrance exams is going to be hard, and this would only distract me...

So, I want you to have it, Makoto-kun.



Funny, huh? It seems like I'm always asking you for favors, even though I'm your senpai...
> Keisuke seems embarrassed.

Well, just like you're an important person in my life, they have important people in their lives too.

If they had died, they never would have seen them again...

So that's why I'm becoming a doctor.

D-Does it seem like I'm showing off?

No, not really.

Okay, good. I'm just trying to act more like a senpai.
> Keisuke is smiling.
That's because... you did. And you were just a test-run of a link in Persona 4 that does the same thing. But, like, better.

But I'm not becoming a doctor just because my dad's a doctor...

I'm becoming a doctor because that's what I want to do.

If you ever need an emergency operation, I'll perform the surgery.

I won't let anything happen to you while I'm alive...
> You seem to be imporant to Keisuke.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
The Path Is Open
> A mysterious voice rings in your head...
Good news: Norn is level 62, so at this point we can make her whenever.
Better news: she is genuinely good! I know, I'm shocked too! She's a little over-focused on Wind stuff for my liking, and doesn't even have a Heart Item, but she's really, really good at it. And even has the unique Wind spell for good measure.

Are you getting the proper nutrients living in the dorm?

Let's pick you up something healthy to eat on the way home.
> After eating a nutritious meal, you decided to go back to the dorm.
Living With Determination -Iwatodai Dorm-
Newscaster: The yen is now 108.42 to the dollar. Japan's currency has experienced a tremendous decline... The result of the Apathy Syndrome and cult teachings is becoming...
Not much in the dorm today, so let's take a brief trip once again to the Velvet Room real quick like.
Poem For Everyone's Soul (
Reincarnation) /
Blues of the Soul
As you probably guessed, Norn is a unique fusion that can only be made via a triangle fusion of Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Since Norn has Wind inheritance and all 3 really like Wind magic themselves this is a big reason of why she's always good at what she does.

That she inherently has Wind Amp and Panta Rhei is the other part. Panta Rhei is a single-target Wind spell that costs 30SP, has an innate 99% Accuracy and it has 650 base power like the rest of its ilk. No added effects because it's a Wind spell.
Her level up skills are the least exciting part about her, really. She learns Regenerate 3 at level 66, Invigorate 3 at level 67 and Absorb Elec at level 69 and that's it. But, y'know, that's fine. She's not complicated, but she doesn't need to be. Gonna be bringing her along for sure, just because she's a really strong spellcaster...
Master of Tartarus /
Danger Zone
And that's the kinda thing we're gonna need. Yes, folks, we're going back to Tartarus again next time and we're gonna fight my personal favorite boss of the bunch.

The World Balance is a very powerful spellcaster that... takes a lot of its AI cues from The Reaper oddly enough. This includes the ability to get mad and cast Megidolaon every turn. Which is not that dangerous at this point.

In fact, it's so not-dangerous that angering the World Balance is a recommended strategy for making it easier. Yes, really. He becomes more survivable when doing a Megidolaon spam.
Oddly enough, the World Balance is resistant to all 3 Physical elements but completely neutral to Fire, Ice, Wind and Elec. Sorry Siegfried, you won't get to instantly win the fight this time. thank god that was getting boring 

So, we'll probably need a team of some kind to deal with this guy, then. Yukari's a pretty good choice since she can heal if need-be (albeit not super well, but probably good enough) and does some decent damage with her own Wind spells.

Junpei is... Junpei is not good here. Surprise, it's a Tartarus boss that is anti-Junpei. I'm sure you're shocked. Marakukaja is the best thing he has to offer for this fight and after that he's just got basic attacks with the Laevateinn to go on.

Akihiko's a pretty decent choice, all things considered. Debuffs are never a bad thing, and he can throw out Boosted+Amped Ziodynes which'd be respectable at least. Not gonna be the most effective use of his turns, but the option's there.

Mitsuru can drop Boosted+Amped Mind Charge Bufudynes. She's still completely terrifying and basically never a bad pick.

Aigis has every buff and Samarecarm for if things really go sideways in a hurry. Her damage is already lacking the best of times, and the World Balance resists her in general so she'll be worse than normal there.

Koromaru is bad. Sorry, Koromaru. I feel like I've said that pretty much everytime, and it's always true. Koromaru's just... bad at fighting bosses. I guess he has Masukukaja, so he can contribute something. 

Ken is Ken and at this point he's a budget Yukari with worse offense. He could do Boosted+Amped Ziodynes, sure, but he'd be relying on that and Mediarama.
We've been through this song and dance many times now, so y'all know the drill by now:
Who's coming to upset the Balance?